In the ripe old ages of their late 20s, Joce and Dan have already been together for 11 years. Eleven. Ten and another one thrown in. They’ve endured countless bouts of long distance - to study and work and live - both of them are clearly fiercely independent and driven and have their own things they want to accomplish. They haven’t always agreed on politics. They have their own quirks - as we all do. None of that matters. Through all this they have never wavered. Never second guessed. In her first email to me Joce said “It’s only ever been us. Always.”

The level of commitment and depth and maturity of love and simple belief, in themselves and in one another, that all of the above suggests is simply astonishing. Particularly in two people so relatively young, and over such a span of time.

Almost to the second Joce started walking down the aisle, on Dan’s family’s farm, it felt like the heavens literally erupted. Luckily, so did the crowd.

It was, to me, a bit of a lesson. Of making magic out of whatever the hell life throws at you. Of taking something a lot of people would find a bit of a negative and running with it and making it something beautiful and memorable and yours.

Joce and Dan making it theirs. Always.

