ash and jarryd
newcastle wedding

Timing is everything.
Ash and Jarryd met on the dancefloor at a club in Newcastle when they were practically babies, both having a cracking time but ironically Ash was dead sober whilst Jarryd was three sheets to the wind. Each recognised in the other very quickly something unique. Something that resonated in them in ways they hadn’t experienced before.
Then a few months later they parted ways. Jarryd had been planning a worldwide surfing trip with his mates for most of his life and didn’t know how long he was going to be away for. Ash had plans and exploring of her own to do and so sadly, but with great maturity and a sense of not wanting to get in the way of the others growth and ambitions, they went their separate ways. Both left Newcastle to go see the world and further define both themselves and their place in it, the way you do in your 20s.
And then a few years later, within the space of a few short months of one another, they both found themselves back home.
They again found each other for the first time (..also again) at a pub, with Jarryd yelping in surprise as someone pinched his ass whilst he was waiting for a beer, only to turn around and see Ash’s enormous grin staring up at him (side note - everyone smiles up at Jarryd, he’s a gregarious giant of a fella). Just like that they were back.
This one was one for the books. Theirs is a relationship that has clearly retained all the passion and sense of adventure and exuberance of their formative years, but has been tempered by age and experience and wisdom. This was the kind of day only made possible when the two people at the middle of it all have fierce, loyal circles of friends that aren’t ashamed to express how much they love one another, and also clearly know how to have a great freaking time (at the end of it all the day quickly devolved…or evolved depending on how you look at it, into an absolute ruckus).
Keep an eye out for the way they look at each other when the other isn’t looking, particularly during the ceremony and the speeches. It says far more than my words ever could.
Also some cracking dancing. And some split pants. And Jarryd crying every 10 minutes. There’s a lot to take in in this one.
If you like what you see - contact me here.
Epic Florals / Styling - the obscenely talented Film & Foliage
Celebrant - The loquacious Marry me Nicky who nailed it as always
Ash’s epic gown - custom piece from Amy New
HMU - The supreme Georgia Bell Artistry