Sam and Andre met because they happened to sit down next to one another at a house party one of their mutual friends was throwing. Andre originally wasn’t going to come because he was dog sitting a particularly needy canine, and resisted until a friend twisted his arm and convinced him to come for one drink. A few hours and a few drinks later they both freely admit they were that couple awkwardly talking and hanging out in a corner all night, not socialising with anyone else, and maybe making out a little more than is socially appropriate. Andre was so taken he called Sam the very next day and invited her over for dinner.
Less than 6 months later they went on a big camping road trip in WA where, in the long meandering conversations that are bound to take place on long stretches of empty highway, they both came to seperate realisations that this might be it. Less than 6 months after that and Andre was asking Sam’s dad if he would give him his blessing. It took him a little longer than that to ask Sam, however. He did get there eventually, which led to all this.
They were originally getting married in May. It was to be a big affair with large swathes of Andre's family coming from Brazil. Obviously that was not to be.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
So they settled on having a ceremony with just 20 of their closest on the southern headlands at Maroubra, a place close to their hearts, with views of the Pacific and Australian scrub all around. Cue massive storms and 40 km/hr winds.⠀⠀
With less than 24 hours to go they relocated to their loungeroom, notified everyone, went foraging for florals at midnight when the rain was easing, angle grind-ed (ground?) the legs off of their arbour so it would fit through the front door, and then styled the whole house themselves. They made their promises to one another surrounded by people they love in a place that has helped forge them - I don’t know what else you could possibly ask for.
Pasta Emilia was, like the two of them, less concerned with glamour and glitz and more with meaningful conversations, warm embraces, and the power of a home cooked meal to bring together those you love and celebrate the richness of life. A place where, after a few too many wines, you stand up and a give an impromptu speech and share all the heartwarming things that are normally tucked away behind decorum and circumstance but that never fail to lead to teary embraces and closer relationships.
A more personal note - This was, sincerely, the most fun I’ve had at a wedding in a long time. Mostly due to the warmth and energy and openness of the two of them and how it infects everyone present, but also because of Sam and Andre’s complete trust in me and willingness to embrace the process which freed me up to be a bit more creative and produce some work I’m immensely proud of.
So, thank you, and enjoy.
Celebrant - The indomitable and outrageous Married by Allegra who absolutely nailed it
Venue - their loungeroom / Pasta Emilia who kept the offensively delicious handmade pasta coming literally all night
HMU - Monique Jones