steve & julia

tamworth wedding 

One of the key markers - in my opinion - of a great relationship is how it and the other person push you to think more critically about yourself, be more introspective, and to challenge things about yourself that you’ve accepted over however long a time frame. On the flip side of that is how often you see things in the other person that they haven’t seen in themselves. I feel this is particularly true of these two.

From humble beginnings - a first date that started at a footy game and ended at a chicken shop, to a beautiful day that evolved into a killer party set amongst the sunburnt plains of central NSW.

This one was a reminder of a lot of things. Of how different ways of approaching the world can actually make a couple people stronger, how there’s a thousand and one ways to show the people you care bout that you care about them and that sometimes actions speak louder than words (..especially for Steve, who is somewhat famously a man of few words), of the scarcity and beauty of intergenerational friendships that start with parents and continue with their kids,

There are so many parts of this day that I want to draw attention to. From the heartwarming - Julia and her brother sharing a long emotive embrace after the ceremony, to the seemingly prosaic - Steve sharing playful, everyday interactions with the boys that seem commonplace but speak volumes, to the absurd - the Bohemian Rhapsody inspired singalong / hoist the tiny Julia and definitely-not-tiny-Steve onto everyones shoulders that ended the night, but I think in this case I’ll let the images tell the rest of the story.

This was not a day I’ll soon forget.

