THe old clare HoTEL wedding / elopement


A slow burn can be just as powerful as a bright spark.

Danika and Klaus were friends at first, really. For a while. Neither was sure where it was going. Until that old feeling bubbled up. Both of them felt it for a while, summoning the courage to say the words that will irrevocably change things for the better or for the worse. It takes hope and courage to tell someone you love them for the first time, to admit how far into your heart you have let them. You never be sure of the response you are going to get. They did it for the first time in a room in Klaus parents house, and have never looked back.

The day was very much a reflection of their approaches to life, and to their relationship itself. Neither of them put much stock in grand, showy gestures. These are two people are more concerned with everyday romance - in setting aside time to wake up in each others arms each morning, in relishing the time they have together to drink a coffee and chat, in Sunday morning dances in the living room as soul records play, in little daily rituals that have more impact on your life than singular gestures ever will.

And so it all lead to this. An intimate, relaxed wedding ceremony in the stupidly beautiful CUB suite at the Old Clare Hotel with just their immediate families and a closest friend each in tow.

And so in that vein after the ceremony we ran around the city, taking in the sites and locations that have formed much of their love story - the coffee they shop they frequent where Danika first introduced Klaus to wanky coffee (full disclosure - I also love a wanky coffee), the part of town they had a stay-cation in after they got engaged and spent a week going for long walks, shopping for records and playing chess.

