urban winery wedding
shannen & Vince

Some days overflow with riotous good times. Some with heart. Not many with both.
I was struck by a few things this day. The power of enduring bonds forged over long periods of time - romantic relationships, friendships, family - and the level of intrinsic commitment and loyalty this takes.
These two were, to me, much like their ceremony. A perfect balance of sentiment and irreverence. Skulling beers and (temporarily) stealing stuffed bears one minute and openly crying at the slightest provocation the next.
So, to never losing your sense of fun, to being egged on to skull beers by a hall full of your closest loved ones, to - 10 years in - weeping at the first sight of one another, to getting through the hard times as well as the easy and still coming out on top and in love and never questioning it all for a minute. To Shannen and Vince, and the glorious and fun filled life they are building together.